The first issues of Zone 4 magazine should be in the mail and in the newsstands the first week of February 2009. It's been a fast and crazy ride since last June, when Andra and I decided to found a new gardening/local foods magazine for the Northern Rockies.
We are working with two talented graphic designers to create the "look" of the magazine as well as all the other pieces that go with starting a new business, like letterhead, envelopes, subscription cards and much more. After meeting with a national magazine consultant we revamped the logo, so you may see a few different versions. The latest has a flower in the O.
Today we hit 100 subscribers—a milestone! Hey, every journey begins with a single step. The 100th came from a woman in Wyoming who said she saw our Sneak Preview mini-issue in a doctor's office. How it got there we have no idea. But we're getting the good feeling that news of Zone 4 is spreading rapidly by word-of-mouth. (Keep talking!)
One indication is that we're receiving more emails from people thankful that finally there will be a publication devoted to the difficult growing conditions in this dry, short-season, high-altitude region. The line-up of articles in the first issue is strong, and we're already lining up content for the second issue, scheduled for May 1. Please write and let us know what you think. Give us your opinion, stories, ideas, photos. Best way to contact us is by email: Stay tuned!
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